1. We value the Kingdom. NCC is a kingdom-minded church. Our focus is not merely on numbers or attendance, but, like the early church in the book of Acts, it is about the "Kingdom." We invest in Mission work all over the world. We participate in "brotherhood events" and it is built into our DNA to raise up the next generation of leaders. We are a "sending church!" Bringing people into the fold and also "sending them out." Simply put; God's Agenda will be Our Agenda!
2. We value evangelism. Our primary purpose as a church is to do those things that will draw others into the Kingdom. Nearly every activity, every meeting, every program is designed to lead men and women into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our job is to make disciples. We are continually reminded to "Keep the Main thing the main thing."
3. We value Discipleship:Although we strive to lead people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, we believe that is only the beginning of walking with the Lord. We are committed to helping each member of NCC to grow, in increasing measure, into a mature relationship with Christ. We believe we are all called to move towards spiritual maturity as we navigate through this life. At NCC, we are committed to helping you on that journey.
4. We value Community: We believe that God instituted the church so that we can encourage one another on this journey of life. We schedule and plan every service and event in a way that stresses our goal to build true Christian community. As the church, we are called to "weep with those who weep" and "rejoice with those who rejoice". We are called to "bear one another's burdens" and to "encourage one another daily". We are committed to growing together as the family of God.
5. We value the balancing of truth and love.Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), is a complex teaching but one we are committed to at NCC. We believe our foundation is the Word of God and we cling to the truth we find there. However, we also strive to present that truth from an attitude of love for people. If a church ignores truth for the sake of "love" it is on shaky ground and is not really being loving at all. However, if a church presents truth but is unloving, then it becomes harsh. We firmly believe that we are called to make truth our foundation while, at the same time, we are called to love God and love people. We will always strive for such a balance.
6. We value family. We believe the church is the hope for the world and it is the hope for the family. Much of our teaching and preaching centers around God's wisdom for the family. God has been in the business of saving families since the days of Noah. And, so are we.
7. We value children. Jesus loved the children around Him. He often looked to them as examples for the rest of us. He saw what the next generation could become. So, with His passion in mind, from the nursery to high school, we invest in children.
8.We value restoration. NCC is a part of a great unifying movement which strives simply to "Do Church" the way they did it in the Bible. We are part of no denomination or central headquarters. We are a free church; overseen by a body of elders who are members of this church and community. We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent. We refer to ourselves as simply Christians, because that is how the early church was referred to in the book of Acts (Acts 11:26). We proudly celebrate the heritage of our Restoration Movement that, for over 200 years now, has served as a "movement within the church, calling the church back to the church of the New Testament."